Wednesday, March 14, 2012

329 - 3 = "blog about global warming"

So I know that opener seems a little silly, and TRUST me, it's source is completely that!! While standing on the train platform, I was texting with my silly Deezie and I asked her what I should blog about today...she said global warming, so here I go......

I've been trying to accomplish one of these goals, and I'm sure you are happy with the product!! The goal I'm speaking of is-


Everyday I have a near hour commute into work, and a near hour commute home in the evening. I don't mind it all that much, I usually plug in my headphones and jam to my music (which needed desperately to be updated and added to) and I blog away. I ended up setting a goal for myself to help build my music library.


Music downloading can be quite expensive, and those free downloading sites don't seem all that reliable. So, I have found that every week or so iTunes offers $0.69 songs!!! So I have done a little bit of purchasing, and my music is getting better and better. Sometimes I am finding that some of my songs repeat too frequently, so the more music I have, the more variety I'll have to enjoy! If you have any good music choices to recommend, let me know!

Since I'm trying to blog daily, I've found that writing things down helps me get everything done a bit faster. The brainstorming happens a lot quicker when I jot things down and then blog from the goal now is-


Yes I still use my princess notebook!! It's getting fuller and fuller! I'm excited to look back in a year and in the future into this book and see all of the crazy things I've written about, since NOT everything in the book makes it onto the blog!

Now on to more important things.....

"Scientists say because of global warming they expect the world's oceans will rise four and a half feet. The scientists say this can mean only one thing: Gary Coleman is going to drown." -Conan O'Brien

.......and that is why I think global warming is important.

~It's all out there in front of us

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