Sunday, February 5, 2012

351 - 1 = 2 weeks off and lots to catch up on....

Well, hello there....
It's been a while.

I haven't forgotten about you,
I've just been very busy!

What was I busy with, you ask?
Packing up my life into 17 boxes, bins for rental car trunk size, and what's staying with me.
Not to mention preparing for my upcoming half marathon, and road trip to Florida.

So, I have an excuse.
This goal was written on February 2nd....
It's just funny that I wrote this,
I knew I needed to...I just had to make it a goal to ensure it would happen I guess. 

I have come to quite a few bittersweet milestones recently,
ones that I will never forget, 
and others I'm glad they are over.

Over the summer, I had my first one, and I wasn't sure how to feel.
It was my last summer working in the Hamptons.
I drove away that last day knowing there was something so wonderful about what the future held.
I've been fortunate to have the future planned out for quite some time...
My babe and I have talked about this move since my original move here.
However, now, it's all happening.
My future is all coming to fruition within the next few months, whether I like it or not.
Crazy to think that, me, the sunshiny, silly, organized, do it all, would get stressed, right?
Don't tell anyone, but I kindof am...

As the year ended, a few more surfaced, 
my last set of holidays, my last New Years in NYC.
Yesterday, I hit a very emotional spot, where I found myself washing my bedding, and making my bed for the very last time in this apartment.
I sat on my freshly made bed (one of my favorite things to do)
looked around my box filled room,
and burst out in tears.
Happy tears,
but tears none the less.
It's incredible how these milestones can have such an effect.

I've been packing for 2 days...
I decided to take a break and blog a little bit.
Not to mention I can't pack anymore cause I'm out of boxes.
I'm up to 11 at the moment,
I've gotta fit everything that's left into 6 more boxes, 
thank goodness there's not much left!

Well, better get to my blogging....hahaah Oh wait!?
It's all out there in front of us~

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